Officers & Roles
Officers and other roles in St Paul Lutheran Church:
Chairman Dave Garrelts
Vice Chairman Matt Garrelts
Treasurer Linda Keepers
Secretary < open >
Financial Secretary Marilyn Olson
Board of Elders Dave Garrelts,Andrew Fischer,Leon Wojahn, Matt Garrelts, John Bredehoeft
Board of Trustees Marilyn Olson, Dana Olson, Roger Daum, Roger Faulstick, Dean Gunderson
Board of Education Tracy Fischer, Matt Garrelts, Wendi Crawford
Board of Endowment Larry Porath, Roger Daum, Linda Keepers, Pat Steffen, John Bredehoeft
Lakeside Foundation Board Bill Kinnetz
Pastor < vacant > Interim Pastor Keith Christiansen serving
Organists Bev Schneider, Karen Porath
Office Secretary Jacqeline Brown
Custodian John Orr